Landlords/Building Owners will consider Credit, Income & Rental History when selecting a tenant.
Cusack Real Estate Inc can advise on submission of applications but all decisions will be made by the relevant landlord/building owner.
Credit Scores above 600 with Verifiable Income of 2 Times Rent plus Positive Rental History are generally landlords' minimum requirements. Click Here to request an application.
Lease start date to be within 30 days of application. See below for list of required documentation.
Completed application - Separate app required for each proposed adult occupant (18 & over)
and cosigner (if applicable)
Copy of Housing Voucher and/or Third Party Support (if applicable)
Image of Government issued Picture ID
Pictures of any Pets w/Service Dog/ESA Verification (if applicable)
Proof of Income/Employment (Pay Stubs, GR, Award Letter, W2s, 1099 etc)
Application Fee can be paid Here
Cusack Real Estate Inc can advise on submission of applications but all decisions will be made by the relevant landlord/building owner.
Credit Scores above 600 with Verifiable Income of 2 Times Rent plus Positive Rental History are generally landlords' minimum requirements. Click Here to request an application.
Lease start date to be within 30 days of application. See below for list of required documentation.
Completed application - Separate app required for each proposed adult occupant (18 & over)
and cosigner (if applicable)
Copy of Housing Voucher and/or Third Party Support (if applicable)
Image of Government issued Picture ID
Pictures of any Pets w/Service Dog/ESA Verification (if applicable)
Proof of Income/Employment (Pay Stubs, GR, Award Letter, W2s, 1099 etc)
Application Fee can be paid Here